Advanced H.E.A.T. – Course


Hostile Environment Awareness Training

In our 5 day “ADVANCED H.E.A.T.” - the course covers many topics relating to staying in high-risk areas and other security-critical countries.

The ADVANCED H.E.A.T. course, which we conduct in the bunker town of Wünsdorf , is about answering the following questions:


  • What do I do if everything went wrong?
  • Who can I talk to in the hostile environment and/or who can I trust?
  • How do I move as inconspicuously as possible in in wooded and urban terrain?
  • How do I provide myself with water, food, clothing, and makeshift equipment in a "hostile" environment?
  • What can I use as advanced first aid measure for myself and my colleagues?
  • Living and working in bunkers.
  • Navigation, contact, survival elements, abseiling (also makeshift) and much more.

This course is suitable for travelers to risk - and high-risk areas, aid organizations of all kinds, authorities, and journalists.

Our prices are customer-specific and can be requested at any time for:

At our location Bunkerstadt Wünsdorf as a "closed event":

  • a closed event (up to 10 participants) for one customer
  • a framework agreement with a customer (several closed events with up to 10 participants each)

Adjustments to content, schedule and time are possible here.

Contact us, we will organize this for you.

At our location Bunkerstadt Wünsdorf as an "open event":

An open event is open to participants from various companies, organizations, and private individuals.

For individual registrations for our open courses, we grant a discount of 10% from 3 registrations for the same open course period.

Costs: 3000 plus VAT per person

Our prices refer to an "all inclusive" package and includes:

  • Course fee
  • Accommodation for 5 nights
  • Full board
  • All non-alcoholic beverages (hot and cold)
  • Free parking spaces if you arrive with your own vehicle
  • Shuttle service on request

Would you like to conduct the training in your own property? We will be happy to come to your place.

If you have any further questions about this course, please contact us at >>>

To register, please use the registration form below, for a group simply send a list as a file attachment.

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Registration ADVANCED H.E.A.T. - COURSE

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